9th European Congress Manual Therapy - ECMT 2019: the future aHEAD / Cervico-cephalic complaints

Datum 2019-09-20
Uur 08:00
Einddatum 2019-09-21
Adres Campus Drie Eiken, UAntwerpen
Prijs niet-leden 410
Prijs AXXON-leden 320

It's time to save the date & check-in for the 9th edition of ECMT                    

More info about invited keynote speakers, scheduled program, details of pre-congress courses, call for papers, specific info about the venue, 
... to be found out here !


Register here ! 


Visit one of the ECMT pre-congress courses:

Sue Reid (AUS) @UCL  (Watch trailer here)

Chris Worsfold (UK) @UGent (Watch trailer here)

Nathan Hutting (the Netherlands) @ KUL (Watch trailer here)


Have you ever dreamed of presenting to a large group of colleagues or making your research results known through a poster ?

Here's your chance ! => Call for papers