10 things not to do with tendinopathy of the lower limb
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Overuse tendinopathy is problematic to manage clinically. People of different ages with tendons under diverse loads present with varying degrees of pain, irritability, and capacity to function. Recovery is similarly variable; some tendons recover with simple interventions, some remain resistant to all treatments. The pathology of tendinopathy has been described as degenerative or failed healing. Neither of these descriptions fully explains the heterogeneity of presentation. This review proposes, and provides evidence for, a continuum of pathology. This model of pathology allows rational placement of treatments along the continuum.
A new model of tendinopathy and thoughtful treatment implementation may improve outcomes for those with tendinopathy. Jill Cook describes the continuum model of tendinopathy.
Jill Cook is a physiotherapist who after a clinical career of 20 years has become primarily a musculoskeletal researcher. Her main interests are in connective tissue function, injury and healing. Her particular interests are risk factors for tendon injury and the tendon in growth and development. She is currently working in the Musculoskeletal Research Centre at La Trobe University and at the Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research at Deakin University.
Peter Pollet is a Physical Therapist (KUL 1986). His interests are functional training, recuperation strategies and he is a freelance teacher and coach for several centres for training core fundamentals, performance and skills in sports.
This lecture will be given in English