Clinical reasoning and problem solving | Working mechanisms of of manual therapy

Date 2020-10-15
Heure 19:00
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Intervenants Paul Nelissen, Ronald Kan
Prix non-membres 50
Prix membres AXXON 35

Dit najaar organiseren verschillende ABCIG’s , in navolging van het ER-WCPT congres, digitale congressen waar alle geïnteresseerden zich kunnen inschrijven. Accreditatie bij Pro-Q-Kine is aangevraagd.

Online congres ABCIG Mathera

Part 1 / Clinical reasoning and problem solving in manual therapy

A critical evaluation of the latest clinical reasoning process applied in manual therapy practice. All steps in the process will be evaluated, including red flags and the added value of mechanistic reasoning in Evidence Based Practice.

by Paul Nelissen, manual therapist and epidemiologist (SOMT)

Part 2 / Working mechanisms of manual therapy

Spinal manipulative therapy is widely used in the management of acute and chronic spinal pain. But treatment effects lacks scientific evidence. A promising new hypothesis of how spinal manipulative therapy works, is its powerful pain-relieving effect by influencing neurophysiological processes.

by Ronald Kan, PT, MT, MSc Clinical Health Sciences (SOMT)

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