Louie Puentedura & Paul Mintken (USA) - Patient-centered spinal manipulation

Datum 2023-09-13
Uur 09:00
Adres Campus Drie Eiken - Universiteitsplein 1 - 2610 Wilrijk
Contact Postgraduaat MSK - UAntwerpen
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Sprekers Louie Puentedura (USA) & Paul Mintken (USA)
Prijs niet-leden 295
Prijs AXXON-leden 295
Prijs ABCIG-leden 295
Prijs AXXON- & ABCIG-leden 295

On the 13th of September 2023, prior to the European Congress Manual Therapy, a pre-conference Manual Therapy course will be held in Antwerp, Belgium. Title of this course is Patient-centered spinal manipulation: a key to creating a greater safety in manual therapy. It will be given by two international renowned speaker: prof. Louie Puentedura and prof. Paul Mintken, both from the USA. This course is designed as a workshop with focus on hands-on training, intermingled with short presentations.


Although rare, serious adverse events following spinal manipulation and mobilization have been described in the literature. Unwanted side effects, such as aggravation of presenting symptoms, are much more common. Because of this, many clinicians are deciding to abandon manual therapy interventions for patients in which it is indicated. As contemporary manual therapy clinicians are evolving into more rounded, expert healthcare professionals in more diverse settings, they should be aware of any potential non-musculoskeletal contributions to a patient’s complaints and assess and refer the patient accordingly. To assess for potential non-musculoskeletal contributions, up-to-date knowledge is important. However, evidence suggests that physical therapists may not always be sufficiently trained to conduct an evidence-based clinical reasoning process (including patient history and physical examination). Moreover, they were found to have insufficient knowledge about risk factors regarding serious adverse vascular events. This session will focus on contemporary knowledge and clinical reasoning regarding identifying possible complications associated with the use of manual therapy interventions. It will also propose a patient-centered approach to the delivery of spinal manipulation and mobilization as a key to creating greater safety with the use of manual therapy.


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